Monday, April 17, 2017

Student Teaching Week 14: Tying it All Together

Over our Easter Weekend, I spent a lot of time reflecting on just how important education is. A person’s education, formal or informal, will contribute to their success no matter what they choose as a career. The knowledge students grow through high school will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Knowledge looks many different ways. If you are knowledgeable in mechanics you may be able to repair your car, saving you money. If you are knowledgeable in health and fitness you may be able to remain in shape and live longer. If you are knowledgeable in the stock market you may be able to make money through investments. There are benefits for all types of education.

Image result for steer tying

It continues to bewilder me on how some students do not see the value in education. But then I take a step back and think about my high school days. Was I the same type of student? Did I try my best and understand how my education will affect my future career? The honest answer is; I was in the exact same shoes. So how do I blame the student? Pretty hypocritical right? I did what was needed to get good grades, but I did not work to reach my full potential. Looking back, I wish I applied myself more than I really did.

So what can I do to expand the students’ perspective of high school education? As agriculture teachers we have an upper hand because of ag education’s “hands on nature.” Our instruction is infused with hands on experiences whether it be completing a butt weld or making cheese. All of these experiences can help our students determine what their interests are.

I could see field trips to different industries being beneficial to developing our students’ perspective on education. Maybe I take students interested in machining and welding to a fabrication shop, such as Pikrite. Maybe I take my students interested in plant science to the local greenhouse to hear from the operators. These people who are already in the industry are generally more than willing to share their educational experiences and provide advice.
Image result for value of education quotes

It is important that our students see how their education will help them in the future. Often times we get wrapped up in “Covering” material we deem important. This material is important, however we need to make sure we back up and address the “Why” for each lesson. Make the material relatable for each student. If they see it as adding value to their life they will be much more engaged. As I enter my last week of student teaching I want to address the “Why” in every lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Can wait to have you rocking a program.

    Disappointed I don't get to hang with you in Wisconsin

